Donate Your Birthday image

Donate Your Birthday

Do more than just make a wish when you blow out your candles. Invite your friends and family to donate to Independent Living in honor of your birthday.


$0 towards $5,000

Happy Birthday!

Tell everyone what Independent Living, Inc. means to you. Share your own story or connection to Independent Living, Inc. and ask your friends, family and network to celebrate your birthday with you by honoring something you care about and by making a donation to Independent Living, Inc.

Getting started is easy to do, and it can even be fun and inspiring. We will give you all the tools you will need to make a difference. With your help, we can create a ripple effect of empowerment and support for individuals with disabilities, celebrating disability visibility.

  • Create Your Birthday Page - Create your own fundraiser page
  • Write Your Story or Your Why - Why Independent Living, Inc. means so much to you
  • Send out your birthday invitations - Invite your friends to your Birthday Page

Your participation in this fundraiser will not only celebrate your values and your own story and the joy of another year of your life but also empower you to make a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Getting started is easy!

Start Fundraising

You will get these tools to help you run a successful campaign:

Pre-Built Templates

Send emails and social media messages to supporters based on expert-tested templates.

A Smarter Donation Page

Solicit more donations with proven-success templates established from industry best practices.

Automated Notifications & Emails

Keep your campaign on track with various automated features designed to get you closer to your goal.

Interested in offering financial support, instead?