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Donate today to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities!

Donations allow us to cover gaps in funding, increase awareness about our services, and serve more people with disabilities in need.


The future is accessible!

I grew up traveling to national parks and enjoying nature. A few years ago, I was in a really great place – what I’d describe as a precious and fulfilling moment in my life. I remember the feeling of total independence.

I experienced a mental health crisis. I was hospitalized. Mental illness can be a traumatic experience. I didn’t feel like I could relate to anyone. I could not have my needs met. I received medication and was stabilized, but living a full life is more than stabilization and medication.

It wasn’t until I got to Independent Living, Inc. that I truly felt hope again. Staff never treated me like a patient or beggar; they treated me with dignity and respect and listened to me about who I am and where I want to be.

I attained a job, understand my benefits, and confidently advocate for myself in the workplace and life. It is helping me reach a place where I am feeling more independent again. I have a plan now. I am working toward a future and goals again. Soon, I will be able to take a paid vacation and achieve my lifelong dream to visit the Olympic Village. There is more to do in life. Independent Living is helping me experience those things.

When you support Independent Living, you are supporting me and people like me. It is critical to us. It is a gift helping me move forward in my life.

- Richard W., Independent Living Consumer

Independent Living, Inc. is a consumer-directed, cross-disability advocacy and service organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals living in the Hudson Valley region. Our vision is a barrier-free society with opportunities for all persons to achieve their maximum potential.

We are a Home Care / Consumer Direct Personal Assistance Services (CDPAS) agency.