The ADA Turns 33 Open House Celebration
July 28, 2023 @ 4:30PM — 6:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
Independent Living, Inc.: 5 Washington Terrace Newburgh, NY 12550 Get Directions

Open House Celebration!
Join us to celebrate the 33rd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act!
Independent Living, Inc. invites the community to celebrate, honor and uphold the Americans with Disabilities Act
at our first annual Open House ADA Anniversary Celebration.
Bring a friend to learn about the vast array of programs and services we offer our community. Meet our program
managers and staff, and hear from some of our consumers about what Independent Living services mean to them.
Enjoy a delicious food experience, various fun activities, the chance to win prizes, and a couple hours of education
and networking. Engage with as many programs and activities as possible to earn yourself an entry into our raffle,
donated by our local community businesses. We will have activities for children and adults of all ages -- the more, the merrier!
The event is FREE, so RSVP yourself, bring your friends and family, share with your colleagues, and invite anyone
else who will join you for an exciting event.
Our Independent Home Care program will be on-site, too! Learn about consumer-directed home care and how
YOU can have your care, your way.
PS - We are hiring! Visit our HR team to learn about our open positions, then visit the rest of our staff to hear about
the work we do and why we love and take PRIDE in Independent Living, Inc.!
Call Janae Myers, Chief Advancement Officer with any questions or to request an accommodation.
845-565-1162 x256 |